SecureCRT 是一款支持 SSH(SSH1 和 SSH2)的终端仿真程序,同时支持 Telnet 和 rlogin 协议。SecureCRT是一款用于连接运行包括 Windows、Linux、UNIX 和 VMS 的远程系统的理想工具。通过使用内含的 VCP命令行程序可以进行加密文件的传输。有流行 CRTTelnet客户机的所有特点,包括:自动注册、对不同主机保持不同的特性、打印功能、颜色设置、可变屏幕尺寸、用户定义的键位图和优良的VT100,VT102,VT220和ANSI竞争.能从命令行中运行或从浏览器中运行。其它特点包括文本手稿、易于使用的工具条、用户的键位图编辑器、可定制的 ANSI 颜色等。SecureCRT 的 SSH 协议支持 DES、3DES 和 RC4 密码和密码与 RSA 鉴别。
VT100,VT102,VT220,ANSI,SCO ANSI,Xterm,Wyse 50/60,
和 Linux console 仿真(带有 ANSI 颜色).
新的带标签的用户界面和 Activator 托盘工具,最小化桌面的杂乱.
支持 SSH1,SSH2,Telnet,RLogin,Serial,和 TAPI 协议.
Secure Shell:
Secure Shell 加密登录和会话数据,包括以下支持:
端口转发使 TCP/IP 数据更安全
SecureCRT 更新日志:
Added support for the Cursor Horizontal Absolute (CHA) escape code to the VT100 and ANSI emulations.
Added support for extended packets in Kermit, which allows ASCII files to be transferred and improves transfer performance.
Added support for dependent sessions so that a connection can be made to a jump host or SSH gateway before the session is connected.
Added support for the Kermit file transfer protocol. Binary and ASCII transfers are supported.
Added support for SHA1 in RSA signatures, which allows X.509 certificates to be used in FIPS mode and other settings where MD5 cannot be used.
Added a character send delay option to wait for a text prompt.
Added a new logging substitution variable "%P", which inserts the session's port.
Added the ability to copy ANSI text to the clipboard, which allows attributes such as color and font to be preserved on the clipboard.
Added support for sending Xterminal escape sequences for CTRL+arrow keys.
Added the ability to specify ANSI colors for individual sessions in addition to the global option.
Added support for the Wyse label line.